Carbon One
Measure Your Carbon Footprint
Take the short test in another tab and review your score with the cards below!
Carbon One
Measure Your Carbon Footprint
Take the short test in another tab and review your score with the cards below!
Carbon One
Measure Your Carbon Footprint
Take the short test in another tab and review your score with the cards below!
Measure Footprint
≤15 tons
Great footprint size
Low carbon impact
Minimal lifestyle alters
Best carbon range
Low overall emissions
16-25 tons
Middle range of impact
Medium-level changes
In US Average CF size
May harm ecosystems
Should read 'Articles'
25+ tons
Large carbon impact
More trees for offset
Above US Average CF
Potential ↓ Awareness
Should try to reduce
≤15 tons
Great footprint size
Low carbon impact
Minimal lifestyle alters
Best carbon range
Low overall emissions
16-25 tons
Middle range of impact
Medium-level changes
In US Average CF size
May harm ecosystems
Should read 'Articles'
25+ tons
Large carbon impact
More trees for offset
Above US Average CF
Potential ↓ Awareness
Should try to reduce
≤15 tons
Great footprint size
Low carbon impact
Minimal lifestyle alters
Best carbon range
Low overall emissions
16-25 tons
Middle range of impact
Medium-level changes
In US Average CF size
May harm ecosystems
Should read 'Articles'